The Slovak Republic is among the safest countries in Europe, So, you can easily plan your visit there. We will try to enlist the potential risks and possible types of petty crime you can watch out there. Here are a few minor hassles to be aware of.
Most reports of crime come from Old Town and involve petty theft (e.g. purse snatching, cell phone grabbing, pickpocketing), vehicle break-ins, or vandalism. Pickpockets are professional and are most active in the summer and during the holiday season. They prefer locations like shopping centers, markets, public transportation (in the vicinity of Old Town), areas near major hotels and tourist sites, and overnight trains to Prague and Warsaw.
When dining in restaurants, particularly at locations with outdoor seating in the warmer months, do not hang handbags or suit coats on the backs of chairs. Thieves can and will steal wallets and other valuables in the absence of caution.
The police emergency lines in Slovakia are 112 and 158 (Non-Emergency: 09610 11111). While competent and professional, police forces may suffer from a lack of personnel and fiscal resources, as well as equipment.
Roads are typically safe, though sometimes not well maintained. Four-lane highways exist in and around Bratislava; however, most roads outside of built-up areas have only two lanes.
A Recent Report is beneficial before a visit to Slovakia